Friday, February fourteenth, the   UN says at least 22 people have been killed in a village in the Northwest region of Cameroon. Over half of those killed were children. No one has claimed responsibility for Friday’s incident but the opposition parties blame the killing on the government.

Gaz du Cameroun will connect 12 new companies to its distribution network

The oil and gas operator Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG), parent company of Gaz du Cameroun (GDC), the company operating the Logbaba gas field in the suburbs of Douala, the Cameroonian economic capital, announced on 25 July 2016 that it is currently running a pipe-laying programme, to supply twelve new companies in gas.

According to this British operator, “the works are progressing well”. Ultimately, these works will enable GDC to add twelve new clients to its gas distribution network (which already includes about twenty companies) via pipeline in Douala, “before the end of the year”, we learn.

Moreover, VOG announces that its subsidiary GDC had a volume of “solid sales” during the 2nd quarter of 2016, period during which the gas production of this operator increased again.

Indeed, thanks to an ever-increasing demand from companies, GDC’s production is in constant increase, officially reaching 8.85 mmscf per day as at end November 2015, against 3.91 mmscf per day for the same period a year prior.

In order to meet the demand from the increasing number of customers, GDC just offloaded 2,500 tons of equipment at the Douala Port. This equipment, we learn from the company, will enable the drilling of two new gas production wells, starting from the 3rd quarter of 2016.


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